Raiders Festivals

Advantage! Barrow Raiders Community Foundation, since its inception in January 2019, has always had the ambition to provide opportunities for as many people as possible to be active and healthy.

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Raiders Festivals

Advantage! Barrow Raiders Community Foundation, since its inception in January 2019, has always had the ambition to provide opportunities for as many people as possible to be active and healthy.  

One such initiative is hosting festivals. Since restrictions lifted in 2020, Advantage!, supported by Sport England and Walney Extension Community Fund, created the Barrow Bounce Back-Give sport a chance programme, using each of the Barrow Raiders home games to host a day of sport.  

This resulted in over 800 people, young and old, taking part in sport and exercise such as: walking rugby; family tag rugby; and athletics competitions.  

Our ambition for 2022/23 is to grow the match day festival experience and host additional festivals, targeting schools and alternative sports and activities. 

The vision is for the Matt Johnson Prestige Stadium to become a hub for fun, entertainment, exercise and safety, an inclusive environment, belonging to the people of Barrow and the Furness area.


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Sport England

Walney Extension Community Fund

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