Meet The Team

There is a now a team of six staff, overseen by the Advantage! Barrow Raiders Community Foundation, which became a registered charity in May 2021

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Meet The Team

Caroline Boyle

Advantage! Community Coach/Health & Well-Being Champion

Job role: Having only recently joined Barrow Raiders Community Foundation, my role is likely to evolve significantly over the next six months. Currently, I’m involved in just about all aspects of the foundation’s work from assisting at holiday camps to delivering chair based exercise sessions via zoom.

Most enjoyable aspect of the role: Meeting new people, whether it be children or adults, from a variety of backgrounds is definitely the highlight for me at present. However the role appealed to me because it affords me the opportunity to make a difference. Over time, I hope to be able to make a significant contribution to improving the health and well-being of the local community.

Biggest achievement: Competing in two Olympic Games: Atlanta 1996 and Sydney 2000.

Best sporting moment: Winning a World Cup Mountain Bike Race

Sporting role model: My grandad – Francis Pirie Wilson Alexander CBE, MBE. – Wee Frankie. Although I never met him, his achievements and his ability of overcome true adversity have always spurred me on. At 17, whilst studying medicine at Aberdeen University, he enlisted with the Blackwatch. After the war, his experiences in the trenches convinced him if he could not save lives, he would save souls so he switched to theology, rising through the ranks to become Chaplin to the Forces 1st Class. Along the way he played football for Aberdeen, captained the army football team and umpired at Wimbledon.


  • LiRF
  • Swimming Coach
  • Swimming Teacher
  • Safeguarding in Athletics
  • Safeguarding & Protecting Children – Deaf & Disabled
  • Chair-based Exercise Instructor

Other Staff Members